Equine Dental Technicians in South Yorkshire

Equine dental technicians (EDTs) in South Yorkshire and surrounding areas. If you are an equine dental technician in South Yorkshire and would like a free or premium listing, please click here for information.

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Equine Dental Technicians in South Yorkshire - Premium Listings

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South Yorkshire

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South Yorkshire

Equine Dental Technicians in South Yorkshire - Free Listings

Advanced Equine Dentistry


Heather Urquhart

Tel: 07843 375113

Email: heather@advancedequinedentistry.co.uk

Web: www.advancedequinedentistry.co.uk


Danielle Annable


Tel: 07514 123741

Email: danielle.annable@hotmail.co.uk

Web: www.danielle-edt.co.uk


James Arkley Equine Dental Services


James Arkley

Tel: 01775 822811

Email: bookings@jamesarkley.co.uk

Web: www.jamesarkley.co.uk


Jon Taylor


Tel: 07930 335670

Email: jontayloredt@gmail.com


Kimberley Kilner

West Yorkshire

Tel: 07944 348761

West Yorkshire

Knights Equine Dental Service


Green Bank, Coach Drive, Quarndon, Derby, DE22 5JX

Sophie Knight

Tel: 07749 110375

Email: sophie@knightseds.co.uk

Web: www.knightseds.co.uk


Lucy Wilding

North Yorkshire

Tel: 07800 536337

Email: lucy.v.wilding@hotmail.co.uk

Web: www.lwequinedental.co.uk

North Yorkshire

Mark Thorne

North Yorkshire

Tel: 07850 011518

Email: markrnthorne@gmail.com

Web: www.markthorne.co.uk

North Yorkshire

Martin Brookes

South Yorkshire

Tel: 07782 171820

Email: equine_dentist@hotmail.com

Web: www.equinedentist.me.uk

South Yorkshire

Mary Kate Batterbee


Tel: 07904 383776

Web: www.equinedentistderbyshire.co.uk


Moorside Equine Dentistry


John Towe

Tel: 07767 215617

Email: happyequines@hotmail.co.uk


Paul Waudby

North Yorkshire

Tel: 07720 416217

Email: paulwaudby@fsmail.net

North Yorkshire

Robert Ruddy

North Yorkshire

Tel: 07885 157632

Email: robertruddyedt@gmail.com

Web: www.equinedentist.co

North Yorkshire

Sally Kingsley

North Yorkshire

Tel: 01423 711860

Email: sally@s4edt.com

Web: www.s4edt.com

North Yorkshire

Samantha Norris

North Yorkshire

Tel: 07737 255603

Email: sammynorris@hotmail.com

Web: www.snedt.com

North Yorkshire

Yorks Equine Ltd

North Yorkshire

Chris Napthine

Tel: 07783 139574

Email: chris@yorksequineltd.co.uk

Web: www.yorksequineltd.co.uk

North Yorkshire